Katalog Company Profile "PT TLOGO INDO PRAKOSO"

A Company Representative from Manufacture that produce Wood Pellet with integrity by providing the best satisfaction value for Customers through Quality Service and Product.

PT Tlogo Indo Prakoso (PT TIP) is a company that offers wood pellet and rice husk pellet products. The products offered by PT TIP are certified and quality assured. Located in Malang, East Java and established since 2008.

In addition, this company is very concerned about the surrounding environment by carrying out environmentally friendly production practices, so as to create a balance between product quality and environmental sustainability.

This company engaged in the manufacture of wood pellets has shown its success by successfully sending its products to various countries. By focusing on quality and innovation, the company has been able to build a strong reputation in the industry and attract interest from customers in various countries. Strong support from a skilled and dedicated team and a commitment to protecting the environment are also important factors in the success of this company. In recent years, the company has opened opportunities for expansion and continues to develop its business, with the aim of meeting increasing customer demands and creating a positive impact on society and the environment.